Himalaya Resources Foundation supports projects of Indian organizations that focus on improving the living conditions of the local population in the Himalayas and the enrichment of nature. Examples are water filters, rainwater collection for irrigation and the cultivation and planting of deciduous / fruit trees. Projects combining traditional and modern techniques. Reliable partners in the region carry out the work together with the residents of dozens of villages.


Almost 80% of the sicknesses in the region Uttarakhand are caused by polluted drinking water. The main reasons are defecating in the open by animals and humans, fertilizations of agricultural land, no sewage and garbage system. The drinking water problem is one of the most important points on the agenda of our local partners, because of the direct effect it has on human health. They apply a Slow Sand Filter (SSF) technique to purify the water. The SSF technique is simple, trustworthy and not expansive.


These rainwater collection tanks can be placed at houses and buildings (schools) with flat roofs. Rainwater is collected via the roofs and channeled to a water tank. In this rainwater collection tank the water is filtered naturally with sand and stones. The water is used as drinking water and for irrigation. Himalaya Resources has already contributed to the construction of dozens of water tanks.


Onze Nepalese partnerorganisatie ISARD heeft ervoor gezorgd dat in 2021 de bergdorpen Marming en Ghumthang weer goed van water worden voorzien. Het mooie resultaat is dat 34 huishoudens in Marming en 65 huishoudens in Ghumthang weer voldoende water hebben om te drinken, voor irrigatie en allerlei huishoudelijke werkzaamheden. Irrigatie biedt de mogelijkheid om meer gewassen te verbouwen, ook voor de verkoop op de markt.

Construction of a rooftop watertank

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With your donation we can, together with our local partners, carry out projects that have a big impact on the population in the remote villages in the Indian Himalayas. We realize water filters (in a natural way), roof top water tanks that collect the rainwater, the construction of water reservoirs, the planting of cuttings for new deciduous trees that can hold the water around the springs, recovery of neglected sources, educational projects at schools about the water problem so that the knowledge gained is not lost. Your contribution is very welcome!

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